The Danish Nini West Field and the Lisa structure

Two Danish case studies are included in SHARP Storage: the Nini West field and the Lisa structure, representing a highly mature and an emerging site, respectively. The Nini West field in the southern North Sea is a depleted oil field within sandstones of the Ty Formation, which is currently being matured for CO2 storage in the project Greensand. The Lisa structure offshore western Denmark is a domal structure holding a saline aquifer within sandstones of the Gassum Formation.
Important insights obtained at the Nini West field by Wintershall Dea and INEOS will be shared with SHARP Storage partners as input to other, less mature sites, including Lisa. The Lisa structure is located near land and close to seismically active regions, making seismic hazard analysis and containment risk assessment highly relevant. The Lisa site will be used to demonstrate the value of transnational collaboration on earthquake and focal mechanism databases and the integration of stress from seismicity inversion with borehole stress data.

The location of the Nini West field and the Lisa structure in the Danish North Sea. The red dots show locations of earthquakes.

Seismic profile crossing the Lisa structure in the right side of the figure. One well (J-1) has been drilled into the Lisa structure. Figure from Olivarius et al., 2019.
Useful links:
- Project Greensand: