
The Horda Platform area in offshore Norway

Figure from Wu et al., 2021.

The Norwegian sub project will contribute to upscaling the Norwegian Longship project by accelerating and de-risking the large-scale storage potential in the Horda area offshore Norway. Northern Lights project is currently developing the first phase of storage in Aurora with capacity to transport, inject and store up to 1.5 million tons of CO2 per annum, but with ambitions for developing a second phase of additional 3.5 million tons of CO2 per annum.

In the SHARP project we will

  • Address current obstacles for further development related to reginal faults and a need for a better insight in the stress regime of the area.
  • Understanding of interaction and de-coupling between stress in the sedimentary basin and the basement as well as identification of main stress drivers.
  • Utilize seismicity data from the new array in western Norway together with offshore
    seismicity data and compare with borehole stress data.
  • Demonstrate added value of integrating detailed geomechanical models and seismicity data
    for application in monitoring plans.

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