Subsurface stress assessment from cross-coupled borehole acoustic eigenmodes
A Unified Earthquake Catalogue for the North Sea to Derisk European CCS Operations
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks – an overview of the SHARP Storage project
Deliverable 1.1b: Stress Drivers and Outline of Proposed Numerical Modelling Deliverable 1.2: Lithology Impact and Constitutive Model
Deliverable 1.3: Accounting for Stress History and Lithology through Forward Geomechanical Modelling
Deliverable 2.1: Integrated earthquake locations and magnitudes plus focal mechanisms for the North Sea
Deliverable 2.3b: Stress-induced seismic anisotropy: a promising tool to assess reservoir proprieties and caprock integrity
Deliverable 2.4: Updated catalog and focal mechanism database
Deliverable 2.5: Stress drop and crustal strength evaluation
Deliverable 3.1: Rheology data overview for study sites
Deliverable 3.2: Stress and burial history impact on present day state
Deliverable 3.5: Report on stress dependent rheology
Deliverable 3.6: Report on Experimental derived porosity and permeability models
Deliverable 3.7: Report on field data assessment and sensitivity
Deliverable 4.1: Initial assessments of rock-failure risks for case studies
Deliverable 4.3: Machine learning approaches for earthquake detection
Deliverable 4.4: Optimizing Fibre-Optic Monitoring
Deliverable 4.5: CO2 storage assessment – numerical simulation of the India case study
Deliverable 4.6: Multi-site monitoring schemes
Deliverable 5.1: Guideline for uncertainty quantification of rock mechanical properties
Deliverable 5.2: Methodology for quantitative modelling of CO2 storage
containment risks
Deliverable 5.4: Workflow for reliability assessment
Deliverable 5.5: Development of a ground motion model and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the North Sea
Deliverable 5.6: Quantified CO2 Storage Containment Risk Assessment
Deliverable 5.7: Interdisciplinary Guidance Towards Quantitative Containment Risk
Consolidation behaviors of clays, mudstones and shales - CO2 storage sites in Horda Platform, offshore Norway
– Abstract on Stress history and reservoir pressure for improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks (SHARP Storage).
– Abstract on Using small, land-based seismic arrays to monitor microseismicity induced by CO2 storage
January 25, 2024
Updates to North Sea stress
Popular Science, 30 May 2022:
Fiberoptisk teknologi sikrer lagring av klimagasser under Nordsjøen
Arendalsuka, 15 Aug 2022:
Hvordan sikrer vi trygg fangst og lagring av CO2?
Oxford Net Zero seminar series, 31 Oct 2022:
What is and what isn’t slowing down geological CO2 storage?
Forkningsdagene 22 September 2023:
Frokostseminar: CO2-lagring er trygt og avgjørende for å nå klimamålene